Creative visualization HOW TO
Creative visualization is an amazing and highly powerful mental technique which involves use of imagination to achieve a desired outcome. Basically, you imagine yourself doing things you want to do, or being what you want to be, successfully achieving it. Although it would seem as daydreaming, visualization is a more conscious action, with structure and intention involvement. In my previous article, I focused on the explanation of creative visualization principles. In this post, I would like to look into some more practical aspects of it- steps for effective creative visualization or so called “how to” guide.
5 steps for effective creative visualization
1. Relax and get in a right mindset
Relax, relax, relax! This is the first and very important step. Use any preferred relaxation method or meditation to achieve relaxed body and mind. The relaxed state is crucial for allowing yourself getting into right mindset and opening for possibilities. Let yourself believe that everything is achievable and possible.
2. Have a clear understanding of your destination, choose a clear goal
You should visualize the end goal and not the way to get there. The beauty of it is that you don’t need to know how you going to achieve what you want, but to know what exactly you want to achieve, see your aim. Have a clear end goal and not a means goal. Means goal would be “to win a lottery” when your true end goal is really to buy a house (and you want this lottery money to pay for it).
3. Imagine it and feel it. Tune into your body
Imagine achieving your goal now by visualizing it as already accomplished. Use all the senses: feel, see, smell, touch, hear and taste it, add all the possible details to fully feel the moment. The more details you add the better. The stronger the feelings, or the sensation of your visualization – the stronger your belief.
4. Focus on what you want, not what you don’t want.
Be positive! Think positive thoughts, feel positive feelings and speak using positive words. Focus on having your goal achieved. Every time you catch yourself being negative, replace it immediately with positive thoughts. Use positive affirmation.
5. Repeat, repeat and once again repeat to get used to your new image
Repeat the process of your visualization often. Every time you do it add extra detail, extra layer, go deeper and feel it deeper. You are preparing a great building base for your goal to realize.
This process of creative visualization can be used by every day person, you don’t need to be a monk spending days on meditation. You probably used it many times before, not even realizing. Many athletes and celebrities admitted using creative visualization and they claimed that it helped them to succeed. People like Oprah Winfrey, Jim Carrey, Bill Gates, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Michael Jordan and many more attribute their accomplishments to creative visualization.
Our brain cannot distinguish between the thought of an action and a real action. Observing a brain activity of a person who imagines doing something and a person actually doing it, scientists noticed that some specific neural pathways are stimulated and the same area of the brain shows increased activity.
Get creative then! Think about your goals and imagine achieving them now!
Have you tried (consciously) the process of creative visualization? How did you go? Any tips? Please share your experience by leaving a message below.
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Somebody’s studied Richard Bandler!! Or listened to sports people. As a Rugby Union coach, not that Footie you guys have in NSW, visualisation is becoming a more important part of training the body and mind.
Great article. Nicely written. Very interesting indeed.
Visualization is present more and more in many life areas, not only sport. It is not taboo any more and people openly talk about it. Thanks for your comment Francis!
Hi there, many thanks for this post. It’s very helpful, especially to those who doubt about their capacity to achieve what they want. I thought meditation is a difficult process. In this post, I realized that I can also practice meditation, and this post can be an excellent guide. Thanks again for sharing this. Best wishes!
Hi Nicole, creative visualization is an easy technique for everybody so I hope you are going to try it. All the best!
Hi Elektra,
Thanks for sharing this very informative and useful article. I totally believe in creative visualization. Since I watched the Secret I sort of threw away some of those old, useless belief systems that were not helpful. It’s still an uphill battle at times as I find myself slipping back from time to time. My biggest struggle with creative visualization is consistency. Sometimes I’d do it for days at a time then just stop for weeks at a time. I keep going like that. Do you have any advice on how to make creative visualization a consistent part of my lifestyle, like showering and eating?
Thanks a mil.
Hi Kevon, appreciate your comment! I think you partly answered your question- if you make it part of your day like showering, eating etc it will become habit and it will stick with you. Think maybe about doing it always at the same time of the day, it would help.
I enjoyed this post. I believe I have done Creative Visualization at times, but often get derailed by negative thoughts or hung up on details about how. Your advice to immediately replace negative with positives and to focus not on how but the goal itself is very useful.
Thanks for your comment Brian! I guess dealing with negative thoughts is very common. Don’t get discouraged and focus on positives. Use affirmations, they are very useful!
I really want to focus what I want but sometimes bad thoughts take over. What do you recommend me to replace with good thoughts again? great writing by the way.
Thanks Furkan! Yes, always replace the bad, negative thought with the positive and inspiring ones. Every time you catch yourself thinking negative, cancel the thought in your mind and start fresh with new positive affirmation. In time it will be a habit.
Hi Elektra,
Small world. I JUST started reading “Creative Visualization” by Shakti Gawain. Funny. Naturally, I enjoyed your article a great deal!
I have several levels of visualization I use: guided meditations, affirmations, vision board, etc. I work at this a little bit every day and couldn’t agree more with your advice to focus and move toward what you WANT as opposed to lending attention or energy to what you DON’T want.
Keep up the great work!
Everything happens for a reason
It was no coincidence then that you saw my post
Thanks for our comment Kevin!
I’m so glad I found your post because this is what I need for my 2017! I really want to bring meditation back into my life and achieve the goals I want. Eckhart Tolle is a great author and I have a couple of his books. I know it’s no accident I got onto your page too.
I will use the steps and start visualizing my end goals (that’s the hardest part).
Thanks for your easy steps to follow!
I’m glad you liked it Grace! Visualizing the end goal is very powerful- imagine in details what you really want, the way you want it. That way you create a map for yourself to where you going
Good luck!
Love this. Something we all need to do. Thank you so much.
Thanks for your comment Jenene! I’m happy you found it useful
Hi Elektra, excellent post, thanks a million. Where I keep getting stuck is, I find I am accidentally visualizing what I don’t want instead of what I do. I think you are correct in saying it starts with getting super relaxed. I have the
“wrong” thoughts when I’m starting to feel stressed about not achieving my goals. My mind kind of bounces between positive and negative all the time and am sure that slows the manifesting process down.
The key is not to fight negative thoughts but just observe them and to focus on positive ones and expand from there. Good luck!
I love the five steps you have set out, Elektra. Useful guidance which can be used in any walk of life. Creative visualization ! Calm mind – so often our minds get tight and once that happens we can’t think straight. I call it brain paralysis. The strongest step for me, although all five are very important, is when you say to concentrate on what you want to happen and not on what you don’t want to happen. And also the “repeat” bit. The image you included was on the button !
Thanks for your comment Roy! I’m glad you found it useful