Everything happens for a reason! Relax and learn your lesson!
Everything happens for a reason! I truly believe in this phrase. I know, I know…- some of you will say it is easier to say than to really believe and live by that, but I really do. Things happen in our lives; things that we not always agree with or don’t understand the true meaning at the time. It is hard to get our head around it, we search for “why” but sometimes one door needs to close so the other opens for us. I went through it few times… I know what I’m talking about. You feel like the world it ending and everything is against you, but in the reality you came to the end of the path and are at the crosswords where the new path starts. Sometimes we are too comfortable in the present situation, even when it is not ideal for us, and don’t want changes as they are disturbing our comfortable stagnation. How many times you complained about something but didn’t really do anything about it?!
Eventually all things fall into place. Until then, laugh at the confusion, live for the moments, and know EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON.”
— Albert Schweitzer
Bye bye old, welcome new!
I was told this week that my job position was made redundant. I liked my job and was good at it, but to be honest, I felt I need a change for a while now. When I heard the news I was devastated first, then a little bit angry, then… I just stopped myself and thought about it… Didn’t I need a change?! Was I happy?! Why am I surprised? That’s right! One door closes, another one opens. Everything happens for a reason! It is my chance to do something new and exciting! Leaving the known comfortable world for a new challenge! It is scary a bit but it is sooooooo exciting! Bring on the change!!! I’m ready!
Relax and enjoy the lesson!
Every experience, every action you take, shapes your life, your character and your story. The people who you meet on your journey who affect your life and teach you something, and all the success and failures you experience- all of them help to create who you are and who you become. In fact, especially the bad experiences, the ones which left the mark in you, are probably the most poignant and important ones. Make every day and experience count. Appreciate every moment in your life and take from those moments everything that you possibly can. You may never be able to experience it again. Whether it is, a person or an event, that brings you the lesson- learn and enjoy. Then apply it in your life!
Out of the welter of life, a few people are selected for us by the accident of temporary confinement in the same circle. We never would have chosen these neighbours; life chose them for us. But thrown together on this island of living, we stretch to understand each other and are invigorated by the stretching. The difficulty with big city environment is that if we select—and we must in order to live and breathe and work in such crowded conditions—we tend to select people like ourselves, a very monotonous diet. All hors d’oeuvres and no meat; or all sweets and no vegetables, depending on the kind of people we are. But however much the diet may differ between us, one thing is fairly certain: we usually select the known, seldom the strange. We tend not to choose the unknown which might be a shock or a disappointment or simply a little difficult to cope with. And yet it is the unknown with all its disappointments and surprises that is the most enriching.”
― Anne Morrow Lindbergh “Gift from the Sea”
Are you ready for a change?
You are a creator of your own path, if you believe it or not. Things happen because other things in your life bring them to you to teach you a lesson, aim you in a right direction. Choose your ways, enjoy wins and embrace failures. Create your own life and live it with absolutely no regrets!
I’ve learned that everything happens for a reason,” the yogi Krishnan told him. “Every event has a why and all adversity teaches us a lesson… Never regret your past. Accept it as the teacher that it is.”
— Robin S. Sharma “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari”
What is your view about events happening in your life? Do you believe they are happening for a reason or by a chance? Share with us your experience and life lessons.
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Oh, you are so right and I have been down this road so many time in my life. Everything does happen for a reason then we always blame others if things dont go our way without realizing that it might be in our best intetest.
Thank you for your post because it reflects so clearly my lifes lessons and personal experiences.
Thanks Filichia! Appreciate your comment! Sometimes going with the flow is an answer. We don’t need to understand a reason but life will take us to the right place if we let it happen.
I agree with you that things happen for a reason nd that other factors in our lives may even be driving them. Changes can be difficult, but, I continue to learn to embrace them as they become visible. If the water remains still, then it becomes stagnant and even stinks. Change prevents stagnation in our lives and helps us to grow.
Keep writing your uplifting thoughts/words/experiences.
Thanks Josephine! That’s right- changes are difficult but are also necessary for our growth as a person. Wish you all the best for your personal journey!
I am re-writing my comment because I am not sure if I posted the first one. OOOPS!
We are agents of change and we are better if we learn from the changes in our lives. I agree with you that there are sometimes other things in our lives driving our failures, but, we can and should see them as life lessons to teach us how to succeed the second and maybe, even third time around.
Thanks for your uplifting and encouraging words.
Thanks Josephine!
Thanks for the excellent read.
A quick look through your site reminded me of some things I learned and read about the Law Of Attraction. I plan t re-visit the materials, and to engage with some friends who are more familiar with LoA.
I know where to visit if I need to read some great posts. Cheers
Thanks Subra Slvananthan for your kind comment!Please visit again!
What a great read! I appreciate the information that I have read in this article. I personally deal with Depression, PTSD, and Anxiety and constant reminders about how to live happier and less stressful do wonders for me. If I could make a suggestion…I believe that EVERY person can benefit from speaking to a Therapist. The reason is that it is not healthy to talk about certain things with every person, and it’s even worse to hold it in and talk to nobody about it. I think that a page about Therapy would tie in well with your Self Development niche and people (like me) would see that it’s okay (and WONDERFUL) to talk to somebody that wont judge you about who you are and what you say.
I cannot wait to read on and see what you bring to the table!
Hi Nicole, Thanks for your comment and a suggestion! I will definitely think about it! I wish you all the best in your personal development and dealing with life challenges! Take care and see you around!
First I just wanna say that I love your name! I agree 100% with what you wrote, everything do happen because of a reason. What needs to happen or must happen will eventually happen. “Be the change that you wish to see in the world,” my favorite quote by the great Gandhi. Keep up the good work! 🙂
Appreciate your comment, Basem!I love this quote by Gandhi 🙂
I do believe that everything happens for a reason as part of the journey.
Congrats on a great looking site
Thanks J Mario!
Hi Elektra
Great article. I couldn’t agree with you more. Sometimes things happen to make us move forward in life towards bigger and better things. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Jessie! I appreciate your comment!