Fixed vs growth mindset

Every one of us has a mindset, the set of established beliefs and attitudes which makes you who you are. It can be a good mindset or one that holds you back. In this post I will explain what mindset…

Quote for today

“Simplicity, patience, compassion. These three are your greatest treasures. Simple in actions and thoughts, you return to the source of being. Patient with both friends and enemies, you accord with the way things are. Compassionate toward yourself, you reconcile all…

How to get (and stay!) motivated

Personal motivation (or self motivation) is a key to all aspects of your life. It is not an easy thing though. Remember your New Year’s Resolution? Are you still into it? Generally straight after you generate new idea you are motivated and…

Embrace your failures

So… you tried and failed… It happens to everyone at some point of our life! Life is not all wins but lows as well. If you are expecting to be a winner the whole life you are here for disappointment. Or maybe you…

Mind body fitness- holistic approach to your health

When we think about personal development we often forget about our body. The body and mind are very much interconnected and every imbalance will demonstrate itself and influence the way you feel psychically and on the mental level. Lets look…

Self improvement tips- personal development HOW TO

So you decided to give it a go, find your better self and improve your life. That’s all good but many of you will ask- how to? What are the steps? How to achieve personal growth? Lets look at self…

So… what seeds are you planting…?

We are what we think about! I’m sure you heard this statement before. But did you give it a thought? We became, what we think about!  Every thought you have and your attitude shape your life. “Here is the key to…

What if…you had a power…

Have you ever wondered if you can do more than you do now, can achieve more in life and feel more fulfilled? What if you had a power… Sit down, calm you thought and ask yourself few questions. Don’t think too…